Changing health outcomes

Our goal is to get patients set up with a treatment plan
within 10 days of walking through the center’s doors.

Changing health outcomes

Maskwa vows to ensure patients do not get stuck in the referral cycle with a vision of partnering with the University of Alberta to access a panel of 450 sub-specialists along with other specialists throughout Alberta.

This access would be facilitated using virtual conferencing, automated consultation scheduling and other current technologies to maximize efficiencies.

This process philosophy will save time and money for patients and caregivers by reducing time away from work, travel and accommodation expenses.


The time frame to see a specialist

Patients requiring a specialist visit for a new illness or condition between 2009 and 2013 had to wait longer than 3 months. The average time Alberta patients wait from referral by a general practitioner to seeing a specialist has grown from 3.6 weeks in 1993 to 17.2 in 2023.

Current Process

The current process has proved to be tedious and ineffecient for NW Albertans which needs to be solved in our health care system. General practitioners in our region live with the heavy burden of the overwhelmed healthcare system. By teaming up with the Maskwa Medical Specialist Clinic, clinics will have more capacity and be in a better position to build strong relationships with patients.

Maskwa process

What Patients can Expect

Physicians provide a referral to Maskwa Medical Specialist Clinic and patients receive an appointment promptly.

A thorough intake by a Registered Nurse and Internal Medical Specialist is executed to gather all health information, followed by a 1-1.5 hour interview.

Maskwa connects with other specialist using virtual conferencing technology and sends patient’s information to a panel of specialists.

The Specialist panel then directs Maskwa where to send the patient for appropriate diagnostic imaging and lab testing locally, or outside the region if necessary.

A diagnosis is verified and a personalized treatment plan is developed and communicated to the patient and family physician within 10 days for implementation on a collaborative basis with the specialist.

Maskwa Medical Specialist Clinic will complete follow-up calls to patients and families to ensure the treatment plan is progressing as required by the medical team at the time of diagnosis.